Friday, September 24, 2010

Outdoor Shower

It's the weekend and fall is officially here. This is actually the time we get the most calls to do work on cottages or summer homes. The season has come to a close and everyone wants to be in their new digs come late spring. A client I'm working with is renovating a cottage and the one thing that he said he really wanted was an outdoor shower. I love the idea and am all about outdoor spaces and so far these are a few examples of my favorites.

This is actually the only shower in this one room cabin. But, who needs privacy in this setting?

via Mudock Young and Olson Kundig


  1. if you have dogs an outdoor shower for dogs is good, too. right next to the "human" shower. we have those up north and they're great for showering off the dogs after they come up from the beach. :)

  2. I agree with you. If you want a good lifestyle then how we could see the privacy. Love to live a good life as much as.

    Outdoor Shower
