Saturday, April 20, 2013

Coastal Binoculars

A kickass coastal residence in Nova Scotia, Canada with a unique layout both inside and out.  The exterior of this place is just fresh.  From the water the design portrays this glorified pair of binoculars.  A setting so amazing that you'd just want to sit there and peer out at the natural surroundings.  It's a genius design element.
Inside, they've take these two cantilevered tubes and broken them down into a day and night time living quarters.  Crazy volume and a ton of natural light.  Each pod has it's own balcony as well.  One for the great room and one for the master suite.

Linking the two main element together on the back side is this third core unit.  Home to the foyer and kitchen, this provides the views down the coastline.
You can also check this over at Fred Flare.

via Contemporist

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